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    Black Gold

    29 years of legendary durability. Nobody would make this claim unless they knew they had the toughest sights on the market:

    Archery accessories have come a long way, especially in the last decade. In the bowsight category, the leader in innovation has been Black Gold. More and more bow hunters are trusting their hunt to Black Gold. Great bowsights made by bow hunters for bow hunters.

    Black Gold has the best bowsight guarantee. It's iron clad. What does that tell a bow hunter? It should tell you that nobody makes a better bowsight than Black Gold.

    We believe in the quality of our bowsights so strongly that all models come with this unconditional guarantee:

    A bowsight is a critical piece of equipment, especially to the big game bow hunter. A good sight is worth its weight in gold-Black Gold! When you compare bowsights, you'll agree, a Black Gold bow sight is as good as it gets. Don't go hunting without one.